The Korean Huntington’s Disease Society (KHDS) has recently published a practical guide for clinical approach to patients with Huntington’s disease (HD) in Korea in April issue of Journal of Movement Disorders this year.1 This article is the second practical guide particularly focused on 1) essential points of genetic counseling for families of HD covering issues of testing minors and prenatal/preimplantation testing; and 2) premanifest HD and useful laboratory investigations for assessing disease severity and progression. The latter part of this article deals with special issues of juvenile and very late-onset HD, and common comorbidities in HD patients. 3) Finally, the management principles of HD patients are briefly explained. The contents were drafted by the guideline task force members of the KHDS. We intended to include published literature containing South Korean data in this paper. We believe this article will be a pocket guide to physicians as well as movement disorders specialists in Korea in planning diagnostic work-up for and management of HD patients and families.
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