Various neurologic manifestations of herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis have been reported on the literatures. Chorea, ballism, choreoathetosis and myoclonus were reported as movement disorders which might be related with brain lesion by HSV encephalitis, but negative myoclonus (NM) has never been reported before. NM can be characterized as a shock-like involuntary jerky movement caused by a sudden, brief interruption of muscle activity. We experienced a case of HSV encephalitis with NM in unilateral arm and leg. In polygraphic monitoring, electroencephalography (EMG) silent periods are 50–250 ms in duration with no detectable EMG correlate.
Although peripheral trauma induced movement disorders have been rarely reported, diagnostic criteria for peripherally induced movement disorders (PIMD) have been established. Because preexisting subclinical movement disorders, or secondary gain for compensation and legal purposes are difficult to confirm, differential diagnosis for physicians still remains difficult.
We present four patients developed movement disorders after relatively various intervals after traffic accident. Three patients of them showed tremor and one patient presented propriospinal myoclonus. In this report, we investigate whether peripheral trauma can lead to movement disorders and describe the relationship between peripheral injury and movement disorders in four cases.
Injury was serious enough to develop involuntary abnormal movements with pain and the latency between injury and the onset of movements in all of cases was less than 1 year. Thus, our cases showed temporal and anatomical correlation between injury and the onset of movement disorder, strongly supporting the cause-and-effect relationship by previous diagnostic criteria for peripherally induced movement disorders.
We report a case of a 36-year-old woman with progressive generalized myoclonus that first became apparent 9 years ago. Her younger brother had similar problems. Examination of her eyes revealed cherry-red spots. Hexosaminidase A, β-galactosidase and neuraminidase activity were normal. Although the laboratory findings were negative, cherry-red spots, progressive myoclonus and autosomal recessive inheritance pattern suggested that she had an unknown type of lysosomal storage disease.
Tremor is defined as a rhythmical, involuntary oscillatory movement of a body part. Although neurological examination reveals information regarding its frequency, regularity, amplitude, and activation conditions, the electrophysiological investigations help in confirming the tremor, in differentiating it from other hyperkinetic disorders like myoclonus, and may provide etiological clues. Accelerometer with surface electromyogram (EMG) can be used to document the dominant frequency of a tremor, which may be useful as certain frequencies are more characteristic of specific etiologies than others hyperkinetic disorders. It may show rhythmic bursts, duration and activation pattern (alternating or synchronous). Myoclonus is a quick, involuntary movement. Electrophysiological studies may helpful in the evaluation of myoclonus, not only for confirming the clinical diagnosis but also for understanding the underlying physiological mechanisms. Electroencephalogram (EEG)-EMG correlates can give us important information about myoclonus. Jerk-locked back-averaging and evoked potentials with recording of the long-latency, long-loop reflexes are currently available to study the pathophysiology of myoclonus.
Radicular myoclonus (RM) is a kind of peripheral myoclonus exclusively related with traumatic spinal root lesion. Here we describe a case with involuntary scapular movements as a possible manifestation of RM. A 37-year-old woman without any underlying disease developedinvoluntary movements of left shoulder two days after cervical trauma. On needle electromyographic recordings, the myoclonic jerky movements were found in left serratus anterior and rhomboid major muscles, and the duration of bursts ranged from 100 to 300 ms with the irregular frequency of 1–2 Hz. Electromyography studies showed accompanying left C5 radiculopathy. Treatment with clonazepm markedly improved involuntary scapular movements.